Head of the Screen Printing and Drawing Studio, illustrator, artist, designer of children's books, graphic designer
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Illustrator, artist, children's book designer and graphic artist specializing in screen printing. She is the head of the screen printing and drawing studio at the School of Form at SWPS University. Co-founder of Kwiaciarnia Grafiki – a studio that has been promoting the culture of screenprinting for over a decade. Kwiaciarnia Grafiki uses this manual printing technique to create unique projects and invites artists to join her on the screenprinting journey.
She collaborates with artists such as Maurycy Gomulicki, Karol Radziszewski and Aleksandra Waliszewska. Her studio Kwiaciarnia Grafiki focuses on collaboration, participation and recycling. She exhibits screen-printed works under the motto "Liberté, Égalité, Serigrafité!".
Marta Kwiatek has previously carried out her artistic work as part of the duo Kwiatuchi. She is the recipient of the BOLOGNA CHILDREN'S BOOK FAIR award and holds the title of Activist of the Year (Aktivista Roku).