Ph.D. in Philosophy, graduate of MISH UW. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Institute of Philosophy at UW. Author of books: "Kryteria sprzedajnej manifestacji" (together with Marek Sobczyk, Warsaw 2013), "O maszynach. T. 1. Wiek XVII a filozofia techniki" (Warsaw 2014), "Twórca i perspektywy" (Warsaw 2014). Co-founder of kino grawitacyjne (Gravity Cinema); in 2005-2014 he participated in the cultural initiative "Orgia Myśli/Orgy of Thoughts" in Warsaw. Currently, he is a lecturer at the Institute of Culture of the Jagiellonian University and at the School of Form in Poznań President of the Board of the Barbara Skarga Foundation.