Flags placing the non-human other at the center
- Designer: Adrianna Olenderek
- Project advisors: Jan Zamojski, Mateusz Falkowski

Diploma project
Flags placing the non-human other at the center
A series of flags placing the non-human other at the center, aimed at encouraging the abandonment of an anthropocentric perspective in favor of empathy toward other species. The eight flags provoke reflection on the relationship between humans and non-human entities. Three are dedicated to elements of inanimate nature, specifically the atmosphere, landforms, and water, while the others focus on representatives of animate nature. The designs are graphically consistent, with their visual language based on the icon of a drop, used as a metaphor for all matter. The flags emphasize the agency of non-human beings, serving as a tool for their emancipation and reinforcing the concept of interspecies coexistence. Despite catastrophic narratives, the author weaves a story full of hope for a better, more empathetic future, built on interspecies cooperation.
Specialization: Communication Design
Year of graduation: 2024
Part of collection „School of Form at Designblok Festival 2024”.
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