The e-Theater audience
- Designer: Jan Nowicki
- Project advisors: Honza Zamojski, Paweł Starzec
- Materials: digital project

Graduation project
The e-Theater audience
An analysis of Instagram users. A collection of four unique GIFs that tells stories seemingly unrelated to social media. Their purpose is to highlight how a user's image affects promotion and sales.
Influence-marketing - the term has gained popularity recently, but it originated as early as 1760, thanks to Josiah Wedgwood. The founder of a ceramics company gifted a tea set to Princess Sophie Charlotte of Bavaria. The queen began promoting and recommending the products, which had a positive effect on sales. Less than 300 years later, the phrase, became ingrained in the business and marketing world and has remained there until today.
Every day, with the participation of influencers, thousands of campaigns are released with the main goal of spreading the product or service. This procedure is intended to arouse interest in the brand and lead to an increase in the number of subscriptions to the channel of a given creator. The numbers that are seen on social networks reveal the number of followers, followed by data such as age, gender, location or their background. All of these factors influence the engagement of the account owner and determine his sales strengths in a given area.
Identifying the groups reached by a particular creator's content is crucial for brands when selecting influencers for their campaigns. Author's observations and research led to the creation of four unique gifs telling a short story seemingly unrelated to social media. The 4 gifs are a reflection of the 4 types of Instagram users we may encounter when we dig deeper into the app.
Jan Nowicki
Specialization: Communication Design
Graduation year: 2022