KUKA Studio
It is a place where students work on new robotic manufacturing processes and experiment with the use of existing ones. Our research draws inspiration from the art of craft manufacturing. Within this environment, students take on multiple roles: scientists, technologists, designers, and programmers. At the same time, they gain skills that will enable them to succeed in this industry.

What equipment is available?
The KUKA Studio is equipped with two 6-axis KUKA robotic arms connected to a pneumatic system. The studio provides specialized robot tools, including an electric gripper and a handmill. Students actively contribute to the tool bank by creating and donating their own tools after completing projects.Learning Opportunities
What can you learn here?
It is the perfect environment to experiment, design personalized robotic processes, cultivate logical and mathematical thinking through programming, acquire the skills to design and build tools for robots, perform insightful parameter analysis, and transform code into tangible objects.Each project at the KUKA Studio is a human-robot collaboration to explore possibilities and push boundaries. Students develop the ability to keenly observe and exercise their imagination as they take on the role of a robot. Robots learn a range of skills, from shaping aluminum sheets to blowing soap bubbles and making chocolate flakes.

Sara Boś
Head of the KUKA workshop and Numerical machines workshop, designer, graduate of the School of Form and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw