Metal Bench
- Designer: Dobrawa Orłowska, Anna Brzoza, Oliwia Warchałowska
- Project advisors: Ewa Klekot, Bartosz Mucha

Student project
Metal Bench
“Undoubtedly, the most captivating aspect was the narrative of the factory,” shares Oliwia Warchałowska. “We drew inspiration from the scenes of workers gathering on benches and tried to recreate this essence and translate it [...] into the experience of other people.”

The authors of the project are Dobrawa Orłowska, Anna Brzoza, Oliwia Warchałowska – students of the School of Form at SWPS University.
Commissioned by Grupa Capital Park, the owners of the Norblin Factory, a team of students from the School of Form, under the guidance of Ewa Klekot and Bartosz Mucha, worked on designing seats inspired by the model of the old transport wagons that were once used in the factory. The most interesting designs were realized and installed in the public spaces of the revitalized area.